Friday, March 26, 2010

Kings of Convenience

Erlend Oye
Erik Glambek Boe

woop, fangirl in action!
Kings of convenience. I've been a fan since 2006 when I heard Cayman Islands on MTV and fell in love...I cant believe I got to go see them live! :D Thank you D.
What can I say? Its easily the best concert I've been to in my books. I just couldn't help smiling from ear to ear all the way through from the 1st song till the moment I stepped off the Bentley building. :) The sound in the Bentley Auditorium was pretty much perfect. I could hear even if Erlend was whispering to someone off stage. And I was pretty surprised they had a following in Malaysia! They were sold out!
Erik is the good looking quiet one and Erlend was the quirky cute moves-a-lot one. love love love...:P Beautiful sound, everybody smilling and chilling, amazing band...what more can I ask for? (from a concert) Erlend could make awesome trumpet sounds with his lips! :O
There's so much more details that I'd love to include about the performance but I don't wanna bore you so I'll let the vids do the talking. I have the CD but they sound better live. :(

Mrs. Cold (My fav of the moment)


Lara said...

envy envy! haha

Jane said...

hahahha, they said they were coming back! Lets go together then??? :D

Lara said...

would love to!